Book Review: Building Web Apps with WordPress

As a newbie WordPress developer but an experienced app developer, both mobile and web, I was intrigued by the prospect of using WordPress to build a professional web app. My curiosity heightened as the rise of WordPress surpassed its reputation as a blogging tool to a full CMS and now to an application platform. I decided to buy the book Building Web Apps with WordPress by Brian Messenlehner and Jason Coleman and learn the architecture Read more…

Gutenberg and the Future of WordPress

Although I have 20+ years of programming everything from BASIC to C++ to PHP under my belt, I am currently learning and developing in WordPress and I am VERY excited about it. As I roll up my sleeves to dig in, I am faced with the choice of which editing platform to use. I initially decided on Page Builder by SiteOrigin, which is an excellent choice, I am now thinking I should switch to Gutenberg Read more…